Has DI Neville Parker Left Saint Marie for Good? Clues He’s Still on the Island


Death in Paradise fans probably need a nice cup of tea and a lie down right now after a pretty emotional penultimate episode of series 13. But has DI Neville Parker left Saint Marie for good? In the latest installment (Sunday, March 17, 2024), viewers saw Ralf Little‘s character pack up his backpack and head to the airport after his leaving drinks. 

The popular character had decided to go traveling in his pursuit of love. However, like us, we’re sure those watching at home would have been screaming at their television sets! So, has Ralf Little’s DI Neville Parker left Saint Marie for good? Here are all the clues he hasn’t!

Recap of the Episode

In episode 6 of series 13, fan-favorite Neville dropped the mother of all bombshells. He revealed he planned to depart the island to go traveling and hopefully find love on his adventures. Talking to Sergeant Naomi Thomas (played by Shantol Jackson), Neville said, “Well, I’ve finally figured out what I’d like to put at the top of my bucket list. Finding love again.”

 He continued, “If there’s one thing this job teaches you, it’s that life is too short. It’s not just the cases. It’s what happened with the Commissioner a few weeks ago. So I need to be more like Zoe. Really take a risk. Go for it before it’s too late.”

Neville's Decision to Travel

“This is a small island. It’s full of ghosts for me – Florence, Sophie/Rebecca. What are the chances of me finding love again here? So if I do want to find The One, and I really do, I’m going to have to put myself out there literally. So I’m going traveling. 

I’m leaving Saint Marie.” Dramatically, just moments after Neville’s announcement, viewers discovered that Florence (Josephine Jobert) was free from witness protection and heading back to Saint Marie. Of course, we all wanted the pair to reunite, have a passionate kiss, and for Neville to change his mind about leaving. But things didn’t quite work out like that…

Florence's Return

In the penultimate episode of Death in Paradise series 13, all eyes were on Neville and Florence. However, just as Florence was heading back to Saint Marie, a murder needed investigating on the island of Saint Auguste, where she’d been living. The team then found themselves split between Saint Marie and the island of Saint Auguste. 

While Neville tried to solve the crime on Saint Marie, Florence, Darlene, and Dwayne stayed on Saint Auguste. Meanwhile, Neville was preparing to go traveling… He – and millions of viewers – hoped Florence would get back to Saint Marie in time to say goodbye. But she didn’t.

The Penultimate Episode's Key Moments

DI Neville was last seen looking forlorn about to board a plane to who knows where. But hang on, we didn’t actually see him get on… Although cheeky Death in Paradise writers would like us to think Neville got on that plane, we didn’t actually see him get in. Yes, we saw him on the steps, but there was no shot of him sitting on the plane or staring sadly out of the window. Don’t forget, this is the man who doesn’t take risks – would he really fly away from the love of his life just as she returns?

Neville's Final Scene

Viewers saw Florence finally admitting her feelings for Neville. In a chat with Officer Darlene later, Florence said, “I missed him more than I thought I would. A lot more actually. When you are alone for so long, you start to realize who matters to you most. Because what you miss is how they make you feel.”

 She later pledged to “make it back” before he left, but instead, the pair were forced to say goodbye over the phone. We don’t think Death in Paradise writers are THAT cruel. This is a feel-good show, remember! Now the pair have both admitted their feelings (to other people at least), they deserve a happy ending.

Viewer Reactions

Fans and viewers were on the edge of their seats throughout the episode. Many took to social media to express their shock and dismay at the potential departure of DI Neville Parker. The emotional reactions highlighted how invested the audience is in the characters' journeys. The general consensus among fans is that Neville and Florence deserve their happy ending, and many believe that the writers have set the stage for a dramatic and heartfelt reunion in the finale.

Theories and Speculations

So, has DI Neville Parker left Saint Marie for good? Here are all the clues he hasn’t! The plane, dear readers, was a red herring. If it wasn’t, and Neville has really gone, we will RIOT! One popular theory is that Neville, known for his cautious nature, wouldn’t actually leave without resolving his feelings with Florence. Another speculation is that the writers intentionally left Neville’s departure ambiguous to build suspense for the series finale.


As we await the series finale, one thing is clear: the emotional journey of DI Neville Parker has captivated audiences worldwide. The unresolved tension between Neville and Florence, coupled with the ambiguous final scenes, suggest that Neville's story is far from over. Whether he’s left Saint Marie for good or is on the brink of a dramatic return, fans will be tuning in eagerly to see what happens next. Here’s hoping for a happy ending for Neville and Florence in the concluding episode of Death in Paradise series 13.


Q: Has DI Neville Parker left Saint Marie?

A: It’s unclear if Neville has left for good, as we didn’t see him actually board the plane. There are clues suggesting he might return.

Q: Why did Neville decide to travel?

A: Neville decided to travel to find love and take risks, inspired by the realization that life is too short.

Q: Will Florence and Neville reunite?

A: Many fans hope for a reunion between Florence and Neville, especially after Florence admitted her feelings for him.

Q: What are the fan reactions to Neville's departure?

A: Fans were emotional and expressed their hope that Neville would return and reunite with Florence.

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